Vue Interview Questions

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, allowing developers to easily integrate it into existing projects. Vue.js provides reactive data binding, a component-based architecture, and a straightforward syntax for creating dynamic web applications.

Why would you choose Vue.js over other front-end frameworks?

Vue.js is often chosen over other front-end frameworks due to its simplicity, ease of use, and flexibility. It offers a gentle learning curve, making it a great choice for beginners, yet it also provides powerful features for more experienced developers. Additionally, its ecosystem and community support are growing rapidly.

Explain the Vue Instance.

The Vue Instance is the root of every Vue application. It is created by instantiating the Vue constructor and providing an options object. This instance serves as the main controller that binds the data, methods, computed properties, lifecycle hooks, and more together to create a reactive application.

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What is data binding in Vue.js?

Data binding in Vue.js is the automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view. It allows changes made in the data to be reflected in the UI and vice versa, providing a reactive and dynamic user experience. Vue.js offers both one-way and two-way data binding capabilities.

Differentiate between one-way data flow and two-way data binding in Vue.

One-way data flow in Vue means data only flows from parent components to child components, ensuring a clear and predictable data flow. Two-way data binding, on the other hand, allows data changes to be reflected in both the parent and child components, enabling synchronization of data in both directions.

What are directives in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, directives are special attributes prefixed with "v-" that provide declarative syntax to apply reactive behavior to the HTML elements in the DOM. They allow you to manipulate the DOM, apply conditional rendering, bind data, listen to events, and more.

Explain the Vue Component lifecycle hooks.

The Vue component lifecycle hooks are methods that allow you to perform actions at different stages of a component's lifecycle. These hooks include beforeCreate, created, beforeMount, mounted, beforeUpdate, updated, beforeDestroy, and destroyed. They provide developers with the ability to execute code at specific moments during a component's existence.

How does conditional rendering work in Vue.js?

Conditional rendering in Vue.js is achieved by using directives like `v-if` or `v-show`. `v-if` will completely remove or add the element from the DOM based on the condition, while `v-show` will toggle the element's `display` style property. This allows developers to render content dynamically based on specific conditions.

What is a computed property in Vue.js?

A computed property in Vue.js is a property that is derived based on other data properties. It allows you to perform calculations or data transformations and update dynamically whenever the dependent properties change. Computed properties are cached and only re-evaluated when necessary for better performance.

Explain the purpose of a Vue mixin.

A Vue mixin is a way to encapsulate reusable logic in a Vue component. It allows you to define a set of options that can be merged into multiple components, enabling you to share functionality and code across different components in a more modular and efficient way.

What are props in Vue components?

Props in Vue components are custom attributes that can be passed from a parent component to a child component. They allow data to be passed down the component tree to enable communication between components. Props are read-only and cannot be modified by the child component.

What is the Vuex library and how does it work with Vue.js?

Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js applications. It allows you to store and manage the application's state in a centralized store. Vuex works with Vue.js by providing a way to organize, share, and modify data across components in a predictable and efficient manner.

How can you handle user inputs in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, you can handle user inputs using the `v-model` directive for two-way data binding. This allows you to bind form input elements to data properties in your Vue instance, ensuring that any changes made by the user are reflected in the data and vice versa.

Explain the concept of event handling in Vue components.

In Vue components, event handling involves listening for and responding to specific events triggered by the user or the application. This can include mouse clicks, keyboard input, or custom events. Event handling in Vue components is typically achieved using event listeners and methods that are defined in the component's options.

What is the Vue Router and how is it used in Vue.js?

Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js. It allows you to create single-page applications with multiple views and navigation through routes. This tool enables you to define routes and their corresponding components, providing a seamless way to manage application navigation within a Vue.js project.

How is CSS scoped in Vue components?

In Vue components, CSS is scoped using a technique called "scoped styles". This means that any styles defined within a component's <style> tag will only apply to elements within that specific component and won't affect other components or elements outside of it.

Explain the difference between Vue.js and React.

Vue.js and React are both popular frontend JavaScript frameworks, but there are some key differences. Vue is more approachable for beginners due to its more gradual learning curve and simpler syntax. React is more widely adopted and favored by larger companies for its flexibility and ecosystem.

What is the purpose of the Vue CLI?

Vue CLI is a command-line interface tool that allows developers to quickly set up new Vue.js projects with the necessary build and configuration options. It simplifies the process of creating Vue applications by providing a standardized project structure, build configuration, and plugin integration.

How can you create custom directives in Vue.js?

To create custom directives in Vue.js, you can use the `Vue.directive` method. You can define a new directive by providing an object with `bind`, `update`, and other lifecycle hooks. Once created, you can use your custom directive in your Vue components just like built-in directives.

What are slots in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, slots are placeholders that allow the parent component to pass content into the child component. This enables the child component to render different content based on what is provided by the parent, providing flexibility and reusability in Vue.js applications.

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, allowing developers to easily integrate it into existing projects. Vue.js provides reactive data binding, a component-based architecture, and a straightforward syntax for creating dynamic web applications.

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, meaning you can start using it in small parts of your projects and gradually scale it up to larger applications. Vue.js is popular for its simplicity, flexibility, and performance.

One of the key features of Vue.js is its reactivity system, which allows developers to build interactive and dynamic web applications. Vue.js uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the real DOM based on changes in the underlying data. This helps in creating fast and responsive user interfaces.

Here is an example code snippet showing a simple Vue component:

// Define a Vue component
Vue.component('hello-world', {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, Vue.js!'
  template: '<div>{{ message }}</div>'

// Create a Vue instance
new Vue({
  el: '#app'

Key Concepts of Vue.js

  • Components: Vue.js applications are built using reusable components, which encapsulate the structure and behavior of user interface elements.
  • Directives: Directives in Vue.js are special HTML attributes that provide reactive behavior to the DOM elements they are attached to.
  • Computed Properties: Computed properties in Vue.js are used for defining data that depends on other data in a reactive manner.
  • Vue Router: Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js, allowing developers to build single-page applications with client-side routing.
  • Vuex: Vuex is the official state management library for Vue.js, providing a centralized store for all the components in an application.

Vue.js is widely used in web development due to its ease of use, excellent documentation, and strong community support. Whether you are building a small interactive widget or a large-scale web application, Vue.js can be a great choice for your front-end development needs.