Google Analytics Interview Questions

Last Updated: Nov 10, 2023

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Google Analytics Interview Questions For Freshers

What is Google Analytics?


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How does Google Analytics work?


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How can Google Analytics help businesses?


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What is a tracking code in Google Analytics?


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How can you set up a Google Analytics account?


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What are the different types of goals in Google Analytics?


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What is a bounce rate in Google Analytics?


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Bounce rate in Google Analytics:

In Google Analytics, the bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page without interacting with it further.

  • Definition: Bounce rate is a metric that measures the quality of website traffic and user engagement. It indicates how effectively a website is able to engage its visitors and keep them interested in exploring more pages.
  • How it is calculated: Google Analytics calculates the bounce rate by dividing the number of single-page sessions by the total number of sessions and then multiplying it by 100. A high bounce rate generally indicates that visitors are not finding the content or experience they expected or that the website is not effectively engaging them.

For example, if a website has 100 sessions and 60 of them are single-page sessions, the bounce rate would be calculated as:

Bounce Rate = (60 / 100) * 100 = 60%


  • A high bounce rate could suggest that the landing page or content is not relevant or engaging enough for visitors, leading them to leave immediately.
  • Low bounce rates generally indicate that visitors are exploring multiple pages and engaging with the website, which is a positive sign of user interest and satisfaction.

Factors influencing bounce rate:

  • Page load time: Slow-loading pages can deter users from exploring further, increasing the likelihood of bouncing.
  • Relevance and quality of content: If the content on the landing page does not match visitors' expectations or is of low quality, they may not find it worthwhile to stay on the website.
  • Navigation and user experience: Poor website navigation, confusing layout, or complex user interface can frustrate visitors and lead to a higher bounce rate.
  • Target audience and acquisition channel: Visitors from different sources may have different intentions and expectations, which can affect their likelihood of bouncing.

Uses of bounce rate:

  • Bounce rate is a useful metric to evaluate the effectiveness of landing pages and the overall user experience of a website.
  • It helps identify areas of improvement for website content, design, and user interface to reduce bounce rates and increase engagement.
  • Comparing bounce rates across different pages can provide insights into the performance of specific pages and their ability to retain visitors.
  • Segmenting the bounce rate by traffic sources can help identify which channels drive qualified traffic and which may need optimization.

What is the difference between dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics?


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How can you track conversions in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of sampling in Google Analytics.


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How can you prevent data sampling in Google Analytics?


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What are events tracking in Google Analytics?


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How can you exclude your own visits from Google Analytics data?


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What is the purpose of UTM parameters?


The purpose of UTM parameters in Google Analytics is to track the source of website traffic and identify the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns. These parameters are added to URLs and help businesses understand which marketing channels and strategies are driving the most traffic and conversions.

Detailed Answer:

What are the different attribution models in Google Analytics?


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How can you track website search using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between traffic acquisition and behavior in Google Analytics?


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How can you track outbound links in Google Analytics?


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What is Google Analytics Real-Time reporting?


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Explain the concept of attribution in Google Analytics.


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How can you set up a custom report in Google Analytics?


Detailed Answer:

To set up a custom report in Google Analytics, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. Click on the "Admin" tab on the lower-left corner of the page.
  3. In the "View" column, click on "Custom Reports."
  4. Click on the "New Custom Report" button.
  5. Now, you will see various sections to configure your custom report:
  • Report Content: This section allows you to select the metrics and dimensions you want to include in your report. Choose the data you want to analyze and how you want to display it.
  • Report Tabs: Here, you can create multiple tabs within the same report to organize different sets of data and analysis.
  • Report Type: You can choose between "Explorer" and "Flat Table" report types. The "Explorer" type provides a visual representation of your data, while the "Flat Table" type presents the data in a tabular format.
  • Filters: You can apply filters to your report to narrow down the data you want to analyze. This helps in focusing on specific subsets of your audience or particular traffic sources.
  • Views: You can choose which views you want to include in your report. It allows you to compare data from different views or properties within your Google Analytics account.

Once you have configured all the necessary settings, click on the "Save" button to save your custom report. It will now be available in the "Custom Reports" section for future use.

Custom reports in Google Analytics provide a powerful way to analyze and display data according to your specific business needs. They allow you to create tailored reports that focus on the metrics and dimensions that matter most to you.

What is the default session timeout in Google Analytics?


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How can you track conversions across multiple domains in Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Site Speed report in Google Analytics?


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How can you track internal site search using Google Analytics?


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What are the different attribution channels in Google Analytics?


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How can you track social media traffic using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between a session and a user in Google Analytics?


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How can you track 404 error pages in Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the User Explorer report in Google Analytics?


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How can you set up custom alerts in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of assisted conversions in Google Analytics.


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What are the different types of segments in Google Analytics?


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How can you track file downloads in Google Analytics?


To track file downloads in Google Analytics, you can set up an event tracking code that captures the clicks on the download links. By adding the event tracking code to the download links, you can measure the number of downloads and other metrics in Google Analytics reports.

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Google Analytics Intermediate Interview Questions

What is the difference between a dimension and a segment in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of content grouping in Google Analytics.


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How can you track offline conversions in Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of filters in Google Analytics?


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How can you track video engagement using Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Multi-Channel Funnels report in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of custom dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics.


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How can you track form submissions in Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between a goal and an event in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of attribution modeling in Google Analytics.


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How can you track mobile app conversions using Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of data views in Google Analytics?


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How can you track e-commerce transactions in Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Cohort Analysis report in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of data sampling in Google Analytics.


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How can you track affiliate marketing campaigns using Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of attribution models in Google Analytics?


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How can you track website performance using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between clicks and sessions in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of funnel visualization in Google Analytics.


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How can you track custom events in Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Benchmarking report in Google Analytics?


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How can you track goal completions by source in Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of attribution models in Google Analytics?


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How can you track site speed using Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of data import in Google Analytics.


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How can you track offline advertising using Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the User-ID feature in Google Analytics?


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How can you track cross-device conversions using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between segments and filters in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of multi-channel attribution in Google Analytics.


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How can you track website traffic by geographic location in Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of custom reports in Google Analytics?


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How can you track event value in Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Lifetime Value report in Google Analytics?


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How can you track form abandonment using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between a pageview and a screenview in Google Analytics?


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Google Analytics Interview Questions For Experienced

Explain the concept of enhanced Ecommerce in Google Analytics.


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How can you track user engagement using Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of Funnel Visualization in Google Analytics?


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How can you track internal promotions using Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of custom dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of custom funnels in Google Analytics.


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How can you track revenue from AdWords campaigns in Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between user level and hit level dimension in Google Analytics?


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How can you track customer loyalty using Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Product Performance report in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of content experiments in Google Analytics.


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How can you track conversions from different marketing channels using Google Analytics?


To track conversions from different marketing channels using Google Analytics, you can set up goals and create distinct URLs for each channel. By tagging your URLs with UTM parameters and implementing Google Analytics tracking codes, you can monitor specific conversions and attribute them to the respective marketing sources. Additionally, you can create custom reports and use attribution models to gain a comprehensive understanding of conversion performance across channels.

Detailed Answer:

What are the different types of attribution modeling tools in Google Analytics?


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How can you track user behavior using event tracking in Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between a session-level and user-level scope in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of custom attribution models in Google Analytics.


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How can you track social media conversions using Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Assisted Conversions report in Google Analytics?


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How can you track user engagement by device type using Google Analytics?


To track user engagement by device type using Google Analytics, you can go to the Audience > Mobile > Overview report. Here, you can analyze metrics such as session duration, bounce rate, and pages per session based on different device categories such as desktop, mobile, and tablet. This will give you insights into how users from different devices are engaging with your website.

Detailed Answer:

To track user engagement by device type using Google Analytics, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Admin section.
  2. In the Admin section, click on "Tracking Info" under the "Property" column.
  3. Click on "Data Collection" to open the data collection settings.
  4. Scroll down to the "Settings for Advertisers" section and enable the "Demographics and Interest Reports" toggle.
  5. Save the changes.

By enabling the "Demographics and Interest Reports" feature, Google Analytics starts to collect data about the users' demographics (including device type) and interests.

Once this feature is enabled, you can view user engagement by device type using the following steps:

  1. In your Google Analytics account, go to the "Audience" section and click on "Overview".
  2. Scroll down to the "Devices" section, where you will find a breakdown of user engagement by device category, such as desktop, mobile, and tablet.
  3. You can click on each device category to get more detailed information about user engagement metrics, including bounce rate, average session duration, and pages per session.

Additionally, you can create custom reports in Google Analytics to further analyze user engagement by device type. Here's an example of how to create a custom report:

  1. In your Google Analytics account, go to the "Customization" section and click on "Custom Reports".
  2. Click on the "New Custom Report" button to create a new report.
  3. Enter a name for the report and choose the dimensions and metrics you want to include. For device type, you can select the "Device Category" dimension and relevant engagement metrics.
  4. Save the report and you will be able to view user engagement by device type in the custom report section.
Example code for custom report:
- Device Category

- Sessions
- Pages / Session
- Avg. Session Duration
- Bounce Rate

Tracking user engagement by device type is crucial for understanding how users interact with your website or app across different devices. This information can help you optimize your content and user experience to better cater to each device category and improve overall engagement and conversions.

What are the different types of data import in Google Analytics?


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How can you track offline sales using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between view level and property level settings in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of multi-touch attribution in Google Analytics.


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How can you track user demographics using Google Analytics?


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What is the purpose of the Shopping Behavior report in Google Analytics?


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How can you track customer segmentation using Google Analytics?


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What are the different types of custom reports in Google Analytics?


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Explain the concept of enhanced link attribution in Google Analytics.


Enhanced Link Attribution is a feature in Google Analytics that allows for more accurate tracking and reporting of clicks on various links within a webpage. It helps to attribute clicks to the correct link element, even when multiple links are closely positioned or have the same destination URL. This feature is particularly useful for analyzing user interactions and improving website engagement.

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How can you track ROI from email campaigns using Google Analytics?


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What is the difference between a goal value and an event value in Google Analytics?


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How can you track user engagement by landing page using Google Analytics?


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